how do i know i’m ready for the reformer: advanced class?

So things are going great in Reformer Flow or Fit, but you’d like to take your Pilates skills up a notch? Say hello to our Reformer: Advanced classes.

Reformer Advanced is where you’ll learn the more advanced Pilates movements and really challenge yourself on the technique front.

Before stepping into an Advanced class, ask yourself if you can do the following…if yes, then it might be the right class for you to push yourself to the next level in your Pilates Reformer practice!

You’re confident with…

  • Planks and pushing away in plank

  • Teaser prep

  • The Roll up (without support)

  • Full standing lunges with hands off the bar

  • Weight bearing on the wrists

  • Inversions

  • The full hundred with legs in tabletop

  • Balance challenge standing on the reformer

Keep in mind that certain sessions can be more challenging than others, for example our Monday night advanced class caters to intermediate/advanced, as does Thursdays 10.30am. Wednesday and Friday’s sessions lean more to the advanced level.

If you’re working towards these things with a goal to step into the advanced class, then try to come along to our new Transition to Advanced classes where we’ll be working on these skills!


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